Sunday, February 1, 2009

Keeping my cool...

It seems lately that I'm having a lot of trouble keeping my cool... like I'm right on the edge of tearing someone's head off at every minute. I don't really understand this-- because really, I want nothing more than peace and happiness. I was, after all, raised by the muppets.

So what are some ways that you know of that help you keep your cool in times of stress?

Sometimes I:

1) Watch Due South.
2) take a nap
3) talk to my dog
4) make lists
5) call my best friend

Occasionally, even these time tested remedies leave me in the lurch. It might be all the coffee, but I think not. I'm no hippie, but I do believe that there is just too much negativity being thrown out into the universe and if we all did our best just to be positive about things, maybe the world would be a less stressful place to be. E=mc2 after all, and maybe, just maybe, if we spread enough love in the world it might rub off on other people... who might spread it and so on until things got... a little brighter.
It's a dream, but it's a nice dream.

1 comment:

  1. 1. call my best friend
    2. eat salty...anything
    3. watch movies (due south has also been known to help on occasion)
    4. have a happy hour...even if it's by myself (it usually is)
    5. drive
